Почина Рич Пиана, бодибилдерот кој 30 години земаше стероиди!

Кој ќе тепа на Ел Класико!? ↓↓↓

Познатиот бодибилдер, Рич Пиана, поранешен мистер на Калифорнија почина во 47-та година од животот, откако две недели беше во вештачка кома.

Тажната вест на социјалните мрежи ја објави неговата поранешна сопруга, Сара Пиана.

„Во солзи пишувам дека Рич почина…. Не можам да верувам во ова. Толку сум тажна, срцето ми е скршено. Навистина допре до срцата на многумина и многу помагаше. Ме инспирираше мене на многу начини да го видам огромното влијание кое го имаше на луѓето ширум светот“, напиша Сара на Фејсбук, простувајќи се од поранешниот сопруг.

I'm in tears writing this that @1dayumay has just passed away. I can barely believe this… I am so saddened & heartbroken that he didn't make it. I just want to say THANK YOU Rich for teaching me so much about life, whether it was the easy or the hard way. We had our ups and downs but we sure had an awesome time in each other's presence along with us fighting through some dark times together. You truly touched many people's heart and helped so many!!! It inspired me in many ways to see the huge impact you had on people all over the world. Not many people know that me and him are STILL legally married till this day despite all rumors. I have NOTHING to gain by saying that but want everyone to know the truth. I know that people say stuff on social media but I truly am not the "bad" person people think I am. I actually saved Rich's life 1 time before, glad I was there for him at that time. Rich, I hope you feel better now in heaven and that you're up there healthy, smiling & telling everyone "how it is, being REAL & doing your thing". Rest In Peace my dear husband. #GoneButNeverForgotten #RichPiana #RIP ? ??❤️. P.S. I want to wish my deepest condolence to Chanel @c_no5 and thanking her for being there for him, loving him & showing him support. You're an angel. We will all miss him so much, may his soul & spirit Rest In Peace Forever??. XOXO Sara Piana. . . . #Repost @1dayumay (@get_repost) ・・・ Great weekend together @sara.piana and I had some nice time together since we didn't film the Bigger By The Day videos over the weekend!! It was some much needed quality time together!! Your time is everything and make sure you spend it right it's something you can't get back! #welcometoourworld #whateverittakes #livinthedream #loveitkillit #1dayumay #richpiana #queenofbeautykingofbeast #love #whateverittakes

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На 10 август тој беше однесен во болница, откако неговата девојка Шанел Џансен повикала итна помош, а се зборува дека е веројатно да се предозирал.

I will always remember how much I love holding his hand I will always remember how I felt so loved when he would wake up and kiss me on the forehead I will always remember how I had it great with the love of my life I will always remember I was loved by the most amazing man I've ever known I will always remember there's a hole in my heart where he will always belong I will always remember that someday when it's my time-he will fill that space inside me and I'll be whole again ❤ We just finished watching the Notebook yesterday and I said 'That's how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to go together. So when it's my time someday-come find me and take me where we're supposed to go because I don't want to go anywhere without you' @1dayumay #loveofmylife #myoneandonly #illbeseeingyou #ilovedyoutheniloveyounowiloveyoualways #richpiana #livelaughlove #respect #love #peace #positivevibes #positivevibesonly

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Кога болничарите пристигнале, Пиана не бил при свест, па е префрлен во болница каде е ставен во вештачка кома, пишуваат западните медиуми.

Рич беше голема Инстаграм и Јутјуб ѕвезда, а го следеа милиони луѓе. Настапуваше и во бројни серии и ТВ емисии.

Со бодибилдинг се занимаваше од својата 11 година, а призна дека над 30 години зема стероиди. Ги земаше толку често, што бројни колеги го молеа да престане. Имаше и сопствен бренд со додатоци за прехрана и облека за вежбање.